Use Phyloseq to make abundance plots for metagenomics reads

This script is for making plots that show the absolute and relative abundance of bacterial reads at different taxonomic levels and for different taxonomic groups for the samples of the Zamia-bacterial-BGCs project (2020-2022).

Load the libraries


Make the Phyloseq object

raw_biom@tax_table@.Data<- substring(raw_biom@tax_table@.Data, 4) # Remove "k__"from OTU names
colnames(raw_biom@tax_table@.Data)<- c("Reino", "Filo", "Clase", "Orden", "Familia", "Genero", "Especie") # Give names to taxonomic categories

metadatos<-read.csv("metadatos.csv") # Read metadata
row.names(metadatos) <- metadatos$ID
metadatos$Localidad<-factor(metadatos$Localidad, levels = c("San_Juan_Volador", "Monte_Oscuro"))
levels(metadatos$Localidad)<-c("San Juan Volador", "Monte Oscuro")

otu<-otu_table(raw_biom@otu_table@.Data, taxa_are_rows = TRUE) # Generate otu_table
colnames(otu) <-metadatos$ID

tax<-tax_table(raw_biom@tax_table@.Data) # Generate taxonomy table

metad<-sample_data(metadatos)# Generate metadata table

global<-phyloseq(otu, tax, metad) # It is the complete phyloseq object with the 3 previous tables
global@tax_table@.Data[,7]<-paste(global@tax_table@.Data[,6], global@tax_table@.Data[,7], sep= "_") # Put the complete species names in the column for Species (instead of the epithet only)

Make the absolute abundance plot without the seeds sample

Make the object

no.semilla<-prune_samples(metad$TipoDeMuestra != "Semillas", global) # Remove sample Zf_43 from object

no.semilla_df<-psmelt(no.semilla) # Convert to data frame
no.semilla_df <- no.semilla_df %>%
  select(Sample, Abundance, TipoDeMuestra, Localidad) %>% # Make smaller object with only some columns
  group_by(Sample) %>%
  summarize(Abundancia = sum(Abundance),
            Numeros = format(Abundancia, big.mark=","),
            Localidad) %>% # Make smaller object with only abundance sum per sample
  unique() # eliminate repetitions

no.semilla_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(no.semilla_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz")) # Put Sample Type levels in chosen object to coincide with corresponding sample ID order

Make the plot

sample_colors<-brewer.pal(length(levels(no.semilla_df$TipoDeMuestra)),"Dark2") # Make color vector
abund_abs_plot<- ggplot(no.semilla_df, aes(x=Sample, y=Abundancia, fill = TipoDeMuestra)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia absoluta") + # Change labels to be in spanish
  facet_grid(~Localidad, scales = "free_x") + # Divide in facets according to location type
  theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), )+ # Remove y axis labels and ticks
  scale_fill_manual(values=sample_colors, name= "Tipo de muestra") + # Assign color vector to fill
  geom_text(aes(label= Numeros), position = position_dodge(width=0.5), vjust =-0.25, size = 2.5 ) # Add the abundance number as text over the bars

ggsave("abund_abs.png", plot = abund_abs_plot, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make the absolute abundance plot without Zf_36 and Zf_43 samples

Make the object

SRC<-prune_samples(metad$ID != c("Zf_36","Zf_43"), global) # Remove cyanobacteria and seeds samples

SRC_df<-psmelt(SRC) # Convert to data frame
SRC_df<- SRC_df %>%
  select(Sample, Abundance, TipoDeMuestra, Localidad) %>% # Make smaller object with only some columns
  group_by(Sample) %>%
  summarize(Abundancia = sum(Abundance),
            Numeros = format(Abundancia, big.mark=","),
            Localidad) %>% # Make smaller object with only abundance sum per sample
  unique() # eliminate repetitions

SRC_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(SRC_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz")) # Put Sample Type levels in chosen object to coincide with corresponding sample ID order
sample_colors<-brewer.pal(length(levels(SRC_df$TipoDeMuestra)),"Dark2") # Make color vector

Make the plot

abund_abs_plot_SRC<- ggplot(SRC_df, aes(x=Sample, y=Abundancia, fill = TipoDeMuestra)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia absoluta") + # Change labels to be in spanish
  facet_grid(~Localidad, scales = "free_x") + # Divide in facets according to location type
  theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), )+ # Remove y axis labels and ticks
  scale_fill_manual(values=sample_colors, name= "Tipo de muestra") + # Assign color vector to fill
  geom_text(aes(label= Numeros), position = position_dodge(width=0.5), vjust =-0.25, size = 2.5 ) # Add the abundance number as text over the bars

ggsave("abund_abs_SRC.png", plot = abund_abs_plot_SRC, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make relativa abundance at phylum level for SRC samples

Make the object

SRC<-prune_samples(metad$ID != c("Zf_36","Zf_43"), global) # Remove cyanobacteria and seeds samples
phylum_SRC<- tax_glom(SRC, "Filo") # Agglomerate at Phylum level
relative_phyla_SRC<- transform_sample_counts(phylum_SRC, function(x) x / sum(x) ) #Transform to relative abundance
rel_phyl_SRC_df<-psmelt(relative_phyla_SRC) # convert to data frame
rel_phyl_SRC_df$Filo<- as.character(rel_phyl_SRC_df$Filo) # convert to character type
rel_phyl_SRC_df$Filo[rel_phyl_SRC_df$Abundance < 0.01] <- "Fila < 1% de abundancia" # Agglomerate in one name all the phyla with little abundance
rel_phyl_SRC_df$Filo<- as.factor(rel_phyl_SRC_df$Filo) # convert to factor type
rel_phyl_SRC_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(rel_phyl_SRC_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz"))  # Put Sample Type levels in chosen object to coincide with corresponding sample ID order

Make the plot

phylum_colors<- brewer.pal(length(levels(rel_phyl_SRC_df$Filo)),"Dark2") 
SRC_rel_phyl_plot<-ggplot(rel_phyl_SRC_df, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundance, fill=Filo)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=phylum_colors) + 
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia relativa") +
  facet_grid(~Localidad, scales = "free_x")

ggsave("abund_rel_phyl_SRC.png", plot = SRC_rel_phyl_plot, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make relative abundance at phylum level for the Cyanobacteria sample

Make the object

Zf_36<- prune_samples(metad$ID == "Zf_36", global) # Remain only with cyanobacteria sample
phylum_36<- tax_glom(Zf_36, "Filo") # Agglomerate at Phylum level
relative_phyla_36<- transform_sample_counts(phylum_36, function(x) x / sum(x) ) #Transform to relative abundance
rel_phyl_36_df<-psmelt(relative_phyla_36) # convert to data frame
rel_phyl_36_df$Filo<- as.character(rel_phyl_36_df$Filo) # convert to character type
rel_phyl_36_df$Filo[rel_phyl_36_df$Abundance < 0.001] <- "Fila < 0.1% de abundancia" # Agglomerate in one name all the phyla with little abundance
rel_phyl_36_df$Filo<- as.factor(rel_phyl_36_df$Filo) # convert to factor type

Make the plot

phylum_colors<- brewer.pal(length(levels(rel_phyl_36_df$Filo)),"Dark2")
Zf_36_rel_ab_plot<-ggplot(rel_phyl_36_df, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundance, fill=Filo)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=phylum_colors) +
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia relativa") +
  facet_grid(~Localidad, scales = "free_x")

ggsave("abund_rel_36.png", plot = Zf_36_rel_ab_plot,  width = 3.8, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make relative abundance at order level for SRC samples

Make the object


rank_SRC<- tax_glom(SRC, "Orden") # Agglomerate at rank level
relative_rank_SRC<- transform_sample_counts(rank_SRC, function(x) x / sum(x) ) #Transform to relative abundance
rel_rank_SRC_df<-psmelt(relative_rank_SRC) # Convert to data frame
rel_rank_SRC_df$Orden<- as.character(rel_rank_SRC_df$Orden) # Convert to character type
rel_rank_SRC_df$Orden[rel_rank_SRC_df$Abundance < 0.005] <- "Ordenes < 0.5% de abundancia" # Agglomerate in one name all the orders with little abundance
rel_rank_SRC_df$Orden<- as.factor(rel_rank_SRC_df$Orden) # Convert to factor type
rel_rank_SRC_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(rel_rank_SRC_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz"))

Make the plot

rank_colors<- brewer.pal(length(levels(rel_rank_SRC_df$Orden)),"Paired")
SRC_rel_rank_plot<-ggplot(rel_rank_SRC_df, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundance, fill=Orden)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=rank_colors) +
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia relativa") +
  facet_grid(~Localidad, scales = "free_x")+
  #theme(legend.position = "bottom")+
  guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 1))

ggsave("abund_rel_orden_SRC.png", plot = SRC_rel_rank_plot, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make absolut abundace of Caulobacter reads plot

Make the object

caulo_abs<-subset_taxa(SRC, Genero == "Caulobacter")
caulo_abs_gen<-tax_glom(caulo_abs, "Genero")
caulo_abs_df <- caulo_abs_df %>%
  select(Sample, Abundance, TipoDeMuestra, Localidad, Genero) %>% # Make smaller object with only some columns
  group_by(Sample,Genero) %>%
  summarize(Abundancia = sum(Abundance), Numeros = format(Abundancia, big.mark=","), TipoDeMuestra, Localidad) # Make smaller object with only abundance sum per sample
caulo_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(caulo_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz"))

Make the plot

caulo_abs_plot<- ggplot(caulo_abs_df, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundancia, fill = Genero)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  scale_fill_manual(values= "#1B9E77") +
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia absoluta") + # Change labels to be in spanish
  facet_wrap(~Localidad, scales = "free_x") + # Divide in facets according to location type
  theme(legend.position = "none")+
  geom_text(aes(label= Numeros), position =  position_dodge(width=0.5), vjust =-0.25, size = 2.5) # Add the abundance number as text over the bars

ggsave("caulo_abs_SRC.png", plot = caulo_abs_plot, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make relative abundance of Rhizobiales reads plot

Make the object

rhiz_abs<-subset_taxa(SRC, Orden == "Rhizobiales")
rhiz_abs_gen<-tax_glom(rhiz_abs, "Genero")
rhiz_abs_df$Genero<- as.character(rhiz_abs_df$Genero) # convert to character type
rhiz_abs_df$Genero[rhiz_abs_df$Abundance < 50000] <- "Generos < 50,000 lecturas" # Agglomerate in one name all the phyla with little abundance
rhiz_abs_df <- rhiz_abs_df %>%
  select(Sample, Abundance, TipoDeMuestra, Localidad, Genero) %>% # Make smaller object with only some columns
  group_by(Sample,Genero) %>%
  summarize(Abundancia = sum(Abundance), Numeros = format(Abundancia, big.mark=","), TipoDeMuestra, Localidad)%>% # Make smaller object with only abundance sum per sample
rhiz_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(rhiz_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz"))
rhiz_abs_df$Genero<- as.factor(rhiz_abs_df$Genero) # convert to factor type
# Make plot
rhiz_colors<- brewer.pal(length(levels(rhiz_abs_df$Genero)),"Paired")
names(rhiz_colors)<-levels(rhiz_abs_df$Genero) # Name the colors in the vector so they are asigned to a genus and both plot have the same color-genus correspondance

rhiz_abs_PobNat<-filter(.data = rhiz_abs_df, rhiz_abs_df$Localidad == "San Juan Volador")
rhiz_abs_UMA<-filter(.data = rhiz_abs_df, rhiz_abs_df$Localidad == "Monte Oscuro")

Make the plot

rhiz_abs_plot_PobNat<-ggplot(rhiz_abs_PobNat, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundancia, fill = Genero)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  facet_wrap(Localidad ~ Sample,
             scales = "free") + # Divide in facets according to location type
  scale_fill_manual(values=rhiz_colors) +
  theme(strip.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank())+
  labs(title ="San Juan Volador")

rhiz_abs_plot_UMA<-ggplot(rhiz_abs_UMA, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundancia, fill = Genero)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  labs(x= "Muestras") + # Change labels to be in spanish
  facet_wrap(Localidad ~ Sample,
             scales = "free") + # Divide in facets according to location type
  scale_fill_manual(values=rhiz_colors) +
  theme(strip.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank())+
  labs(title ="Monte Oscuro")

rhiz_abs_plot<-ggarrange(rhiz_abs_plot_PobNat, rhiz_abs_plot_UMA, ncol = 1, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "right")
                left = text_grob("Abundancia absoluta", rot = 90))

ggsave("rhiz_abs_SRC.png", plot = rhiz_abs_plot, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make absolute abundance of Rhizobium reads plot

Maje the object

rhizobium_abs<-subset_taxa(SRC, Genero == "Rhizobium")
rhizobium_abs_gen<-tax_glom(rhizobium_abs, "Genero")
rhizobium_abs_df <- rhizobium_abs_df %>%
  select(Sample, Abundance, TipoDeMuestra, Localidad, Genero) %>% # Make smaller object with only some columns
  group_by(Sample,Genero) %>%
  summarize(Abundancia = sum(Abundance), Numeros = format(Abundancia, big.mark=","), TipoDeMuestra, Localidad) %>%# Make smaller object with only abundance sum per sample
rhizobium_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(rhizobium_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz"))

Make the plot

rhizobium_abs_plot<- ggplot(rhizobium_abs_df, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundancia, fill = Genero)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  scale_fill_manual(values= "#8e4896ff") +
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia absoluta") + # Change labels to be in spanish
  facet_wrap(~Localidad, scales = "free") + # Divide in facets according to location type
  theme(legend.position = "none")+
  geom_text(aes(label= Numeros), position =  position_dodge(width=0.5), vjust =-0.25, size = 2.5) # Add the abundance number as text over the bars

ggsave("rhizobium_abs_SRC.png", plot = rhizobium_abs_plot, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Make absolute abundance of Bacillus reads plot

Make the object

bacil_abs<-subset_taxa(SRC, Genero == "Bacillus")
bacil_abs_gen<-tax_glom(bacil_abs, "Genero")
bacil_abs_df <- bacil_abs_df %>%
  select(Sample, Abundance, TipoDeMuestra, Localidad, Genero) %>% # Make smaller object with only some columns
  group_by(Sample,Genero) %>%
  summarize(Abundancia = sum(Abundance), Numeros = format(Abundancia, big.mark=","), TipoDeMuestra, Localidad) %>%# Make smaller object with only abundance sum per sample
bacil_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra<- factor(bacil_abs_df$TipoDeMuestra, levels = c("Coraloide", "Suelo", "Raiz"))

Make the plot

bacil_abs_plot<- ggplot(bacil_abs_df, aes(x=TipoDeMuestra, y=Abundancia, fill = Genero)) +
  geom_bar(aes(), stat="identity", position="stack") +
  scale_fill_manual(values= "brown") +
  labs(x= "Muestras", y = "Abundancia absoluta") + # Change labels to be in spanish
  facet_wrap(~Localidad, scales = "free") + # Divide in facets according to location type
  theme(legend.position = "none")+
  geom_text(aes(label= Numeros), position =  position_dodge(width=0.5), vjust =-0.25, size = 2.5) # Add the abundance number as text over the bars

ggsave("bacil_abs_SRC.png", plot = bacil_abs_plot, width = 6.5, height = 3.65, units = "in", dpi = 400)

Save all plots in one PDF

pdf("results_figures.pdf", width = 6.5, height = 3.65)
## png 
##   2