Description of the pipeline followed for the Zamia furfuracea bacterial BGC mining project.
For the published page click here.
This is a description of the pipeline followed for the Zamia furfuracea bacterial BGC mining project (2020-2022). It is not the exact pipeline followed for the project, but a slightly improved and simplified version of it.
It follows the next seps:
The software used is listed in
in this repository.
In your local machine create the necessary directories to store the raw data and quality analysis files:
mkdir -p zamia-dic2020/raw_data/FastQC
cd zamia-dic2020/raw_data/
Enter the server of the sequencing service that has the data stored:
sftp -------@-----.--------.--------.--------.--------.--
(pasword: -------)
List of accessions to download:
Use command get
to download files:
for i in {36..43}
get *S$i*
Move FastQC files to FastQC/
mv *.html FastQC/
mv *.zip FastQC/
Make directories for each sample in the server (from now on “the server” will reference the computer with high power that you will use), inside the server:
for i in {36..43}
mkdir -p zamia-dic2020/Zf_$i
Copy the files to the server, in the local machine:
scp *.fastq.gz <serveradress>/zamia-dic2020/
Relocate files to sample folders, in the server:
for i in {36..43}
mv *$i*.fastq.gz Zf_$i/
Having the scripts
(found in this repository) in the zamia-dic2020/
folder in the server, move them to each sample folder:
for directory in Zf*
scp ${directory}
scp ${directory}
scp ${directory}
Type the metadata into a spreadsheet and save it as csv
. The metadata file is located in this repository with the name metadatos.csv
Inside each sample folder in the server (example for sample Zf_36) run Kraken and Bracken:
sh *R1*.fastq *R2*.fastq Zf_36/
Once you have the Kraken and Bracken output copy the
s to the local machine, in the local machine:
mkdir zamia-dic2020/taxonomia_reads/
scp <serveradress>/zamia-dic2020/Zf*/TAXONOMY/KRAKEN/* zamia-dic2020/taxonomia_reads/
In taxonomia_reads/
run Krona and move the outputs to a new folder:
for filename in *
title=$(echo ${filename} | cut -c 1-5) -r ${filename} -o ${title}.krona
ktImportText ${title}.krona -o ${title}.krona.html
mkdir krona
mv *krona* krona/
Visualize the results in Firefox.
In taxonomia_reads/
use kraken-biom
to make the .biom
file that we need to visualize the taxonomy with Phyloseq in R. And move the resulting file to a folder named phyloseq/
kraken-biom --fmt json -o Zf.biom
mkdir phyloseq/
mv Zf.biom phyloseq/
Copy the metadatos.csv
file to taxonomia_reads/
to be able to use Phyloseq. The Phyloseq script can be found in phyloseq_reads.Rmd
in this repository. To see a Knited version of it click here.
Inside each sample folder in the server (example for sample Zf_36) run metaSPAdes:
sh *R1*.fastq *R2*.fastq Zf_36/
Once you have the metaSPAdes output go to the local machine to copy the scaffolds files there:
mkdir zamia-dic2020/ensambles_metag/
scp <serveradress>/zamia-dic2020/Zf*/ASSMBLIES/*.fasta zamia-dic2020/ensambles_metag/
Run MetaQuast on all scaffolds and contigs files, in the local machine:
mkdir ensambles_metag/metaQUAST -o metaQUAST --space-efficient --split-scaffolds Zf_36_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta Zf_37_metaspades_contigs.fasta Zf_37_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta Zf_38_metaspades_contigs.fasta Zf_38_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta Zf_39_metaspades_contigs.fasta Zf_39_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta Zf_40_metaspades_contigs.fasta Zf_40_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta Zf_41_metaspades_contigs.fasta Zf_41_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta Zf_42_metaspades_contigs.fasta Zf_42_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta Zf_43_metaspades_contigs.fasta Zf_43_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta
View the results with a browser and erase the heavy files about the downloaded references and corrected input.
Inside each sample folder in the server (example for sample Zf_36), run minimap:
sh ASSEMBLIES/Zf_36_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta *R1*.fastq *R2*.fastq Zf_36
Copy the alignment files to the local machine, in the local machine:
mkdir zamia-dic2020/vamb/
scp <serveradress>/zamia-dic2020/Zf*/*.bam zamia-dic2020/vamb/
Move the raw data file to a single folder, in the server:
mkdir raw_data/
mv Zf*/*.fastq* raw_data/
In the local machine run vamb for each sample (example fo Zf_36):
cd vamb/
vamb --outdir Zf_36 --fasta ../ensambles_metag/Zf_36_metaspades_scaffolds.fasta --bamfiles Zf_36.bam --minfasta 200000
cd ..
Remove the bam
Rename the bins to make them have the sample name and copy them to a new folder:
for directory in {36..43}
cd Zf_$directory/bins/
ls | while read line
echo $line Zf_$directory-$line
mv $line Zf_$directory-$line
cd ../..
mkdir zamia-dic2020/ensambles_mags/
scp vamb/Zf*/bins/*.fna zamia-dic2020/ensambles_mags/
In the local machine:
cd zamia-dic2020/ensambles_mags/ -o quast --space-efficient <listOfMAGsFiles>
View the results with Firefox and erase the heavy files about the downloaded references and corrected input.
Copy the MAGs to the server, in the server create a folder named zamia-dic2020/ensambles_mags
and then in the local computer:
scp ensambles_mags/* <serveradress>/zamia-dic2020/ensambles_mags/
Put the
script (found in this repository) in zamia-dic2020/
in the server, and run it:
Put the
script (found in this repository) in zamia-dic2020/
in the server, and run it:
Once you have the Kraken and Bracken output go to the local machine to copy the
s there:
mkdir zamia-dic2020/taxonomia_mags/
scp <serveradress>/zamia-dic2020/TAXONOMY_MAGS/* ./taxonomia_mags/
In taxonomia_mags/
use kraken-biom
to make the .biom
file that we need to visualize the taxonomy with Phyloseq in R. And move the resulting file to a folder named phyloseq/
inside taxonomia_mags/
kraken-biom <listOfMAGsKrakenBrackenReports> --fmt json -o Zf_mags.biom
mkdir phyloseq/
mv Zf_mags.biom phyloseq/
(The list of
s only contains the selected MAGs with high quality)
Copy the metadatos.csv
file to taxonomia_mags/
to be able to use Phyloseq. The Phyloseq script can be found
in phylseq_mags.Rmd
in this repository. To see a Knited version click here.
For each of the genera of interest for which MAGs were obtained (Bacillus, Peribacillus, Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Phyllobacterium) follow the next steps.
All of the next steps are preformed in the local machine:
In the Assembly database of the NCBI search the genus of interest. Apply the required filters:
Select Download Assemblies, choosing RefSeq as a source.
Move all genomes to a new folder named zamia-dic2020/genomas/publicos/fasta/
And decompress them:
mkdir -p zamia-dic2020/genomas/publicos/fasta/
mv Downloads/ zamia-dic2020/genomas/publicos/fasta/
cd zamia-dic2020/genomas/publicos/fasta/
gunzip *
Check the number of files before and after the name change:
ls | wc -l
Change the file names to their accesion numbers:
for file in *.fna
name=$(head -n1 $file | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -c 1 --complement)
echo $file $name.fasta
mv $file $name.fasta
Make a file with the accesion numbers and genome names:
head -n1 *.fasta | grep -v "==" | grep ">" > genome_names.txt
Edit with OpenRefine genome_names.txt
, ()
or .
inside the strain codeTo change the accession names for the new names using the genome_names.tsv
cat genome_names.tsv| while read line ; do old=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1); new=$( echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2) ; mv $old.fasta $new ;done
After changing the names, remove the first column of the genome_names.tsv
, add the information for the corresponding MAGs and rename it to IdsFile
Move the corresponding MAGs fastas to zamia-dic2020/genomas/publicos/fasta/
Pull the myrast
docker distribution:
docker pull nselem/myrast
Enter the myrast docker and sumbit the genomes:
docker run -i -t -v $(pwd):/home nselem/myrast /bin/bash
cat IdsFile | while read line; do id=$(echo $line|cut -d' ' -f1); name=$(echo $line|cut -d' ' -f2-5); echo svr_submit_RAST_job -user <username> -passwd <password> -fasta $id -domain Bacteria -bioname "${name}" -genetic_code 11 -gene_caller rast; svr_submit_RAST_job -user <username> -passwd <password> -fasta $id -domain Bacteria -bioname "$name" -genetic_code 11 -gene_caller rast; done
# Wait until it has finished and exit:
Once the RAST run is finished, copy in a spreadsheet the RAST/Jobs_Overview table:
Take back the MAGs fastas to zamia-dic2020/ensambles_mags
Make a new folder named zamia-dic2020/genomas/analizar/gbks/
and run docker to retrieve the gbk
mkdir -p zamia-dic2020/genomas/analizar/gbks/
cd zamia-dic2020/genomas/analizar/gbks/
mv ../fasta/Rast_ID.tsv .
docker run -i -t -v $(pwd):/home nselem/myrast /bin/bash
cut -f1 Rast_ID.tsv | while read line; do svr_retrieve_RAST_job <username> <password> $line genbank > $line.gbk ; done
# Wait until it has finished and exit:
Change names from JobId to genome name with the Rast_ID.tsv:
cat Rast_ID.tsv| while read line ; do old=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1); new=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2) ; newgbk=$(echo $new | cut -d'.' -f1); mv $old.gbk $newgbk.gbk ;done
Make a new folder named zamia-dic2020/genomas/analizar/aminoa/
and run docker to retrieve the faa
mv ../gbks/Rast_ID.tsv .
docker run -i -t -v $(pwd):/home nselem/myrast /bin/bash
cut -f1 Rast_ID.tsv | while read line; do svr_retrieve_RAST_job <username> <password> $line amino_acid > $line.faa ; done
# Wait until it has finished and exit:
Change names from JobId to genome name with the Rast_ID.tsv:
cat Rast_ID.tsv| while read line ; do old=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1); new=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2) ; newfaa=$(echo $new | cut -d'.' -f1); mv $old.faa $newfaa.faa ;done
For each genus of interest upload to the server a folder called orthofinder/<genus>_faa/
with all of the genomes in the aminoacid .faa
format. It must include, the constructed MAGs, the related genomes and an outgroup (a genome from one of the downloaded genera different to de genus of interest).
Put the script
in the directory above <genus>_faa/
and run it in the server.
Download the results folder Species_Tree/
to the local machine inside a directory called zamia-dic2020/orthofinder/
Use the IdsFile to make a metadata spreadsheet with the hapitat information for each genome, obtaining this information from the NCBI entry of each
assembly. Inside the orthofinder/
folder add the that metadata file (metadata_bradyrhizobium.csv
as an example here) and run the script
. To see a Knited version of click here.
In the local machine, put the script
(found in this repository) inside zamia-dic2020/genomas/analizar/gbks/
in a conda environment:
conda activate antismash
for file in *.gbk
sh $file
Make a folder for all the BiG-SCAPE analyses:
mkdir -p zamia-dic2020/bigscape/bgcs_gbks/
All gbks generated by AntiSMASH should have a name with the pattern ‘region.gbk’, if not, use an appropriate pattern for the next step. Count the region gbks with:
ls output*/*region*gbk | wc -l
Add the name of the genome to the bgc filenames so they do not overwrite if names are duplicates:
ls -1 output*/*region*gbk | while read line; do dir=$(echo $line | cut -d'/' -f1); file=$(echo $line | cut -d'/' -f2); for directory in $dir; do cd $directory; pwd ; newfile=$(echo $dir-$file |cut -d'_' -f1 --complement); echo $file $newfile ; mv $file $newfile ; cd .. ; done; done
Copy all AntiSMASH-generated gbks to the bgcs_gbks/
scp antismash/output_*/*region*.gbk bigscape/bgcs_gbks/
Make sure the count is the same as before:
ls bigscape/bgcs_gbks/*region*gbk | wc -l
Go to the bigscape/
cd bigscape
We need the --hybrids-off
flag to avoid the same BGC to be analysed in different Classes (because there are BGCs that may fit in different classes)
Optional: The --mix
flag is to make an extra analysis with all the BGCs together (i.e. not separated in classes)
Optional: The --cutoffs
flag is to make the entire analysis several times with different cutoff values (the default is 0.3)
run_bigscape bgcs_gbks/ output_<date> --hybrids-off --mix --cutoffs 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
When it finishes open the results in a browser to explore them:
firefox output_<date>/index.html
After exploring all the results and choosing the results from a certain cutoff value to report, select that cutoff value in the index.html
displayed in
the browser and download the absence/presence table for each class of BGC. As shown in the image below, the values for “Cluster GCF based on:” must be
“Genomes Absence/Presence”, the value for “Cluster Genomes based on:” must be “Family Absence/Presence” and the value for “Show” must be “All”. Then
click on “Absence/Presnece table (tsv)” to download the table.
Once you have the absence/presence tables downloaded you can go to RStudio and use the bigscape_to_pheatmap.Rmd
script, found in this repository.
To see a Knited version of it click here.
According to the BiG-SCAPE results we can choose a BGC of interest and choose one of the genomes where it is found.
Make a folder for the CORASON analyses:
mkdir zamia-dic2020/corason/
cd corason
firefox ../antismash/output_<genome_of_interest>/index.html
Click on region (BGC) of interest to open its complete BGC view Choose a gene to make the Corason from: Most likely the core gene, or one of the core genes Click on it and on AA sequence: Copy to clipboard Open a new empty plain text editor and add a line with the following info:
extensionIf the genomes are in gbk format you need the -g
run_corason core_gene.fasta path/my_genomes/gbks/ path/my_genomes/gbks/genome_of_interest -g
Check the .BLAST file in the corason output to see in the bitscores are on a very broad range, if they are choose an appropriate cutoff to maintain only the highest bitscores
Re-run corason with the same command but adding the bit score cutoff with the flag -b <cutoff_value>